Aubergina hesychia

(No English Name)

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(No Subtaxa)
  • Aubergina hesychia
  • Aubergina hesychia
  • Aubergina hesychia
  • Aubergina hesychia
  • Aubergina hesychia
  • Aubergina hesychia
  • Aubergina hesychia
  • Aubergina hesychia
  • Aubergina hesychia

Aubergina hesychia

A. alda has dark basal spots VHW (can be faint when worn), and the cell-end bar VFW is usually closer to the post-median line than in A. hesychia, which also lacks the dark basal spots VHW.

Aubergina alda

  • Aubergina alda
  • Aubergina alda
  • Aubergina alda
  • Aubergina alda
  • Aubergina alda
  • Aubergina alda
  • Aubergina alda
  • Aubergina alda

  • Aubergina hesychia
  • Aubergina hesychia
  • Aubergina hesychia
  • Aubergina hesychia
  • Aubergina hesychia

Aubergina hesychia

On N. celona, the cell-end bar VHW is entirely separated from the post-discal line, while in A. hesychia the cell-end bar is very close to, usually touching, the post-discal line.

Nesiostrymon celona

  • Nesiostrymon celona
  • Nesiostrymon celona

Aubergina hesychia Fundo Armorique David Geale

Aubergina hesychia

Sex Unknown
Fundo Armorique, Junin, Peru
1350 m.
David Geale
Aubergina hesychia Lower Manu Road David Geale

Aubergina hesychia

Sex Unknown
Lower Manu Road, Cusco, Peru
1100 m.
David Geale
Aubergina hesychia Lower Manu Road David Geale

Aubergina hesychia

Sex Unknown
Lower Manu Road, Cusco, Peru
1000 m.
David Geale
Aubergina hesychia ARCC David Geale

Aubergina hesychia

Sex Unknown
ARCC, Madre de Dios, Peru
230 m.
David Geale
Aubergina hesychia ARCC David Geale

Aubergina hesychia

Sex Unknown
ARCC, Madre de Dios, Peru
230 m.
David Geale
Aubergina hesychia ARCC David Geale

Aubergina hesychia

Sex Unknown
ARCC, Madre de Dios, Peru
250 m.
David Geale
Aubergina hesychia ARCC David Geale

Aubergina hesychia

Sex Unknown
ARCC, Madre de Dios, Peru
250 m.
David Geale
Aubergina hesychia Catarata Bayoz David Geale

Aubergina hesychia

Sex Unknown
Catarata Bayoz, Junin, Peru
700 m.
David Geale