Ocaria thales

(No English Name)

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(No Subtaxa)

Ocaria thales

Mithras species lack the two white markings toward the base of the VFW shown by O. thales.


Ocaria thales ARCC David Geale

Ocaria thales

Sex Unknown
ARCC, Madre de Dios, Peru
230 m.
David Geale
Ocaria thales ARCC David Geale

Ocaria thales

Sex Unknown
ARCC, Madre de Dios, Peru
230 m.
David Geale
Ocaria thales Serra da Bocaina David Geale

Ocaria thales

Sex Unknown
Serra da Bocaina, Sao Paulo, Brazil
1050 m.
David Geale
Ocaria thales Serra do Japi David Geale

Ocaria thales

Sex Unknown
Serra do Japi, Sao Paulo, Brazil
1100 m.
David Geale
Ocaria thales ARCC David Geale

Ocaria thales

Sex Unknown
ARCC, Madre de Dios, Peru
230 m.
David Geale
Ocaria thales ARCC David Geale

Ocaria thales

Sex Unknown
ARCC, Madre de Dios, Peru
230 m.
David Geale
Ocaria thales La Promisora David Geale

Ocaria thales

Sex Unknown
La Promisora, Junin, Peru
1050 m.
David Geale
Ocaria thales Pereira Area David Geale

Ocaria thales

Sex Unknown
Pereira Area, Risaralda, Colombia
1150 m.
David Geale
Ocaria thales Oventeni Area David Geale

Ocaria thales

Sex Unknown
Oventeni Area, Ucayali, Peru
1050 m.
David Geale