Prepona laertes

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  • Pieridae
  • Pieridae
  • Pieridae
  • Pieridae
  • Pieridae


All Nymphalidae have only 4 fully-functional legs, while Pieridae have 6. Beware of Pierids with broken legs, or not using all for standing on (eg Leucidia, sometimes).


  • Nymphalidae
  • Nymphalidae
  • Nymphalidae
  • Nymphalidae
  • Nymphalidae

Prepona laertes Lower Manu Road David Geale

Prepona laertes

Sex Unknown
Lower Manu Road, Cusco, Peru
1100 m.
David Geale
Prepona laertes Apuya Track David Geale

Prepona laertes

Sex Unknown
Apuya Track, Napo, Ecuador
600 m.
David Geale
Prepona laertes ARCC David Geale

Prepona laertes

Sex Unknown
ARCC, Madre de Dios, Peru
230 m.
David Geale
Prepona laertes ARCC David Geale

Prepona laertes

Sex Unknown
ARCC, Madre de Dios, Peru
230 m.
David Geale
Prepona laertes ARCC David Geale

Prepona laertes

Sex Unknown
ARCC, Madre de Dios, Peru
230 m.
David Geale
Prepona laertes ARCC David Geale

Prepona laertes

Sex Unknown
ARCC, Madre de Dios, Peru
230 m.
David Geale
Prepona laertes Lower Manu Road David Geale

Prepona laertes

Sex Unknown
Lower Manu Road, Cusco, Peru
1100 m.
David Geale
Prepona laertes Pampa Hermosa David Geale

Prepona laertes

Sex Unknown
Pampa Hermosa, Junin, Peru
1250 m.
David Geale
Prepona laertes La Promisora David Geale

Prepona laertes

Sex Unknown
La Promisora, Junin, Peru
1050 m.
David Geale
Prepona laertes Lower Manu Road David Geale

Prepona laertes

Sex Unknown
Lower Manu Road, Cusco, Peru
1000 m.
David Geale
Prepona laertes Lower Manu Road David Geale

Prepona laertes

Sex Unknown
Lower Manu Road, Cusco, Peru
1000 m.
David Geale
Prepona laertes Lower Manu Road David Geale

Prepona laertes

Sex Unknown
Lower Manu Road, Cusco, Peru
1050 m.
David Geale
Prepona laertes San Pedro, Manu Road David Geale

Prepona laertes

Sex Unknown
San Pedro, Manu Road, Cusco, Peru
1350 m.
David Geale
Prepona laertes Yulitunqui Area David Geale

Prepona laertes

Sex Unknown
Yulitunqui Area, Pasco, Peru
950 m.
David Geale