
(No English Name)

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Brangas neora Villa Carmen David Geale

Brangas neora

Sex Unknown
Villa Carmen, Cusco, Peru
550 m.
David Geale
Brangas polonus Lower Manu Road David Geale

Brangas polonus

Sex Unknown
Lower Manu Road, Cusco, Peru
1100 m.
David Geale
Brangas polonus Lower Manu Road David Geale

Brangas polonus

Sex Unknown
Lower Manu Road, Cusco, Peru
1100 m.
David Geale
Brangas carthaea WildSumaco Reserve David Geale

Brangas carthaea

Sex Unknown
WildSumaco Reserve, Napo, Ecuador
1400 m.
David Geale
Brangas felderi WildSumaco Reserve David Geale

Brangas felderi

Sex Unknown
WildSumaco Reserve, Napo, Ecuador
1400 m.
David Geale
Brangas getus ARCC David Geale

Brangas getus

Sex Unknown
ARCC, Madre de Dios, Peru
230 m.
David Geale
Brangas getus ARCC David Geale

Brangas getus

Sex Unknown
ARCC, Madre de Dios, Peru
230 m.
David Geale
Brangas getus ARCC David Geale

Brangas getus

Sex Unknown
ARCC, Madre de Dios, Peru
230 m.
David Geale
Brangas torfrida ARCC David Geale

Brangas torfrida

Sex Unknown
ARCC, Madre de Dios, Peru
230 m.
David Geale
Brangas neora Tingana Reserve David Geale

Brangas neora

Sex Unknown
Tingana Reserve, San Martin, Peru
850 m.
David Geale
Brangas insolitus Rocotal, Manu Road David Geale

Brangas insolitus

Sex Unknown
Rocotal, Manu Road, Cusco, Peru
2250 m.
David Geale
Brangas insolitus Rocotal, Manu Road David Geale

Brangas insolitus

Sex Unknown
Rocotal, Manu Road, Cusco, Peru
2250 m.
David Geale
Brangas getus Santa Maria Area David Geale

Brangas getus

Sex Unknown
Santa Maria Area, Boyaca, Colombia
750 m.
David Geale