About CBD

This site is still very much under construction; it’s been in the works since early 2014 and finally got far enough along to go online in mid-2017. I will answer a few common questions about the project here.

Why only the Americas?

There is no good reason for this; it is just that I only have access to a good list of butterflies for the Americas. I intend to eventually provide global coverage. If you have any suggestions on how I might create a worldwide butterfly list, please get in touch with me!

Can I contribute my photographs?

Yes, please do... but we’re not quite ready for you yet. As I type this (March 2018), we are just about ready to start accepting contributions - images and information - from anyone, but it may be several months before that's functional. Keep checking back, or email me (see below) to be notified when we're ready.

How reliable is the information presented here?

CBD is basically a Wiki - which means that the information is contributed by the users. This is good in the sense that we can all pool what we know about butterflies and teach each other; the disadvantage is that there is not much of a filter against incorrect information being posted. Like almost everything online, it is good idea to verify with multiple sources where possible. Most of all - if you find something you think is questionable, question it by commenting on the image in question, and if you DO independently verify something, please share the link or print reference in the appropriate references section. That’s how a Wiki improves over time - with YOUR help!